Editorial Feedback

I’ve had decades of helping folks with their poems with close readings and feedback. A benefit of having third party feedback is that I act as your “first reader.” I’ll be looking for meaning as it relates to prosody, what Alexander Pope called “sound and sense.” Writing and publishing in a vacuum can be trying, and if you’d like some guidance or feedback, contact me. I can also help with organization of your book or chapbook.

$25 for editorial feedback per 3 Poems

$50 for Book Organization 


Robert is extremely supportive whether it’s one on one or in a group, no matter where you are in on your writing path. He is a wealth of knowledge, not just about writing technique but also where/how to submit your work. If that’s not enough he’s always eager to share and promote other writers wherever and whenever he can. — Ken Tomaro, Author of Potholes and Perogies